KPInsite Reporting

KPInsite is a SaaS intelligent data warehouse and Reporting tool that is integrated with Intershop and can be turned on in 30 minutes. Integration with 60+ other 3rd party tools such as Bronto, Constant Contact, Marketo, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Google Ad Words and Social Media Marketing.

The power of KPInsite Reporting includes:

1.) KPI Metrics (POP, YOY) 

  • Performance Metrics such as: Visits, Registrations, Revenue, Orders, AOV and First Purchases
  • 360 degree view of Company Revenue by Online, EDI, FAX, Customer Service. 
  • B2C Acquisition Metrics
  • B2B Adoption Metrics

2.) Analyzing Customers to  Market/Communicate to them

  • A.I. automatically defines your Customer Lapse time (Average Time that lapses between Purchases)  Allows you to quickly identifies Active Customers, At Risk Customers and Lost Customers.
  • Includes leading industry Customer Segments such as:  who is registered but has Never Purchased, Who is your Lifetime Value, Future Value and Big Spenders.
  • Business users create their own Customer Segments based on their defined selection criteria.
  • Export Customer segments into  lists for Communication/Marketing Purposes.

3.) Analyzing/Measure Marketing strategies 

  • Return on Marketing spend by channel 
  • Analyze performance of eCommerce promotions. 
  • Grouping Marketing data with Customer, Product and Order metrics. 

4.) Analyzing Products

  • Product performance  metrics such as: Categories, Manufacturers/Brands and Inventory velocity.
  • Includes leading industry Products Segments such as:  Most profitable, Most reordered and Cold Products. 

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